Cunning, courage, constancy and human curiosity and depth. This is the hero Ulysses, whose fantastic actions and landings in unknown ever different
lands re-echo in an embracing perfume, full of dreams and strong character.
A decisive fragrance of precious woods yet having the sensitive tones of vanilla and musk. The opening notes are a Mediterranean breeze, the brilliant reflections of light on citrus and Calabrian bergamot trees, the spiciness of rhubarb and pink pepper that create a dynamic and intrepid atmosphere.
The warm heart notes of jasmine and neroli with a smidgeon of citron and leather which speak of bold gestures whilst a blend of vanilla and cinnamon epitomise the spirit of an inquisitive, polyhedral, whimsical person.
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€ 54,00
Ulisse, Depth and fortitude
Astute, courageous, tenacious, inquisitive and profoundly human. Ulysses is the legendary hero, son of Laertes personages in the Iliad and the main character of the Odyssey where he is given a singularly multi-faceted personality.
Stirred by an authentic nostalgy for his homeland and his family, Ulysses appears to be forever occupied in thinking up ways to escape for himself and his men. During his long voyage he met unknown peoples and had adventurous encounters with monsters: the Cicones, the Lotus-Eaters, Polypheme the Cyclops, Aeolus, the Laestrygonians, the witch Circes, the Cimmerians, the shadows of Hades, Scylla and Charybdis, Calypso, the Phaeacia and the Sirens.
He managed to escape from the latter thanks to his proverbial astuteness which suggested that he should be tied to the ship’s mast in case his own willpower proved insufficient to resist the Sirens’ song.
He saved his crew by making them use wax ear-plugs. Yet again, Ulysses demonstrated a characteristic that distinguished him; the desire to understand and know, to arrive where no other man dared to go before.