Ein melodiöses und bezauberndes Lied, das die Gemüter und den Wissensdrang der Menschen fesselt, die Seeleute in seinen Bann zieht und nur den geistreichen Odysseus Entkommen lässt.
Es ist das der Sirenen, legendäre Figuren von unwiderstehlicher Erotik, die sich in einen Duft verwandeln, der zwischen Land und Meer schwebt.
Ein rebellisches, freies, rätselhaftes Parfüm. Ein plötzlicher Windstoß, die erschütternde Kraft des Meeres ruht auf den üppigen Tönen der wildesten Natur. Die schillernden Töne von Zitrusfrüchten verbinden sich mit grünen Noten. Salzige Düfte verbinden sich mit den Tönen von Algen und Blumen, die an die verborgene, sinnliche, schüchterne und starken Weiblichkeit einer unabhängigen Frau heraufbeschwören.
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SIRENE, Between land and sky
The Sirens were mysterious beings, fascinating and subversive.
They were the daughters of the river god Achelous and of Calliope, the Muse of fine song. According to an old oracle anyone who listened to their song and resisted the temptations therein would have decreed their death. In Book XII of the Odyssey, Ulysses and his companions sailed into the clutches of the Sirens. Circes, the witch, was the first to warn Ulysses of the perils that these legendary creatures could create in the sea. She advised the hero and
his crew to plug their ears with wax in order avoid being bewitched by their song.
Ulysses, however, acting on the impulse of his implacable, legendary curiosity only plugged his companions’ ears. Then he made them tie him to the
mast with a stout rope and tight knots. In this way he was able to listen to the voice of the Sirens and in resisting their deceptions and save
himself and the crew. The enchanting, fairy-tale erotism of the sirens, enclosed in their persuasive voices and their body shape, is testified in various works. In Book IV of the Argonauts, Apollonius Rodio narrates the actions of Jason and his crew who, on the return voyage from Colchide with the golden
fleece on board, sailed into the Sirens’ territory. The sweet melody of Orpheus’s lyre overcame their song and helped the men to escape.